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Simple Ways to Never Get Old, According to Experts

Part 1. Vocabulary

fervent                       \ ˈfər-vənt\ adj

                                    - exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling

                                    Fervent prayer is given by the people to ask for protection.

accelerated                \ ik-ˈse-lə-ˌrā-təd, ak- \ adj

                                    - occurring or developing at a faster rate than usual

 I will be taking an accelerated course in English

plump                         \ ˈpləmp\ adj.

                                    - having a fully rounded shape.

                                    His aunt pinched his plump cheeks.              

chronic                       \ ˈkrä-nik\ adj

                                    - continuing or occurring again and again for a long time

                                    He suffers from chronic arthritis.

inflammation             \ ˌin-flə-ˈmā-shən\

                                    -a response to cellular injury that is marked by redness, heat, and pain

                                    The drug is used to reduce inflammation.


Part 2. Comprehension Questions

1.     Why do people want to stay young?

2.     What are the ways to stop our bodies from aging fast?

3.     How can consumption of sugar affect our bodies?

4.     Why do we have to reduce stress?

5.     How can sleep affect aging?


Part 3. Article Reading

A body that stays young forever was a concept that fodder countless novels and films, not to mention the fervent hopes of many of us. And although freezing your physical condition in the place is still the stuff of science fiction, there are easy, science-backed lifestyle choices you can make that can forestall the effects of aging.

1. Stop Drinking Soda

There's no such thing as the soda fountain of youth. Turns out, it's just the opposite. A study at the University of California—San Francisco found that people who consumed more sugar-sweetened drinks, such as soda, had shorter telomeres, the part of our cells that hold DNA. Telomeres get shorter as they age; when they get too short, they die. "Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas might influence metabolic disease development through accelerated cell aging" wrote the study's authors.

2. Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar's effect on weight gain doesn't prevent many of us from indulging a sweet tooth. But if we told you it can make you look older, too, would you still crave it? Our skin is supported by two compounds, collagen, and elastin, which keep it looking plump and youthful. According to a study published in the journal Clinical Dermatology, when high levels of sugar are consumed, it binds to amino acids in collagen and elastin, damaging them and blocking the body's efforts at repair.

3. Reduce Stress

When you're cutting back on sugar, aim to cut out stress as well. Harvard Medical School reports that chronic stress can also shorten telomeres. Not only is telomere shortening the literal process of aging, but people with shorter telomeres are at risk of serious diseases including heart disease and cancer.

4. Drink Only in Moderation

Alcohol dehydrates the body and causes inflammation—two shortcuts to looking older. A 2019 study of more than 3,200 women found that those who drank more than eight drinks a week had more "upper facial lines, under-eye puffiness, oral commissures, midface volume loss, and blood vessels" than women who drank moderately or not at all.

5. Get Enough Sleep

According to a study published in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, women who said they frequently got quality sleep had 30% better "skin-barrier recovery" and "significantly lower intrinsic skin aging" than women who reported poor sleep, To stay youthful, don't skimp on your shut-eye—experts recommend seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night. [ By Michael Martin]




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