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Colors in Chinese Culture

 Part 1. Vocabulary


/ ˈSimbəl/ n.

- a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract:

A heart shape is a common symbol of love.


/ Reprəˈzent/ v.

- be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity:

A national flag represents a country.


/ məˈstirēəs/ adj.

- difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify:

There is a mysterious object in the garden.


/ ˈNōdəs/ n.

- to see or become conscious of something or someone: 

I didn't notice the gum and stepped on it.


/ bəˈlēf/ v.

an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists:

The Chinese have a strong belief that red brings good luck.


Part 2. Comprehension Questions

What is the meaning of red in Chinese culture?

What did the Chinese notice about the northern sky?

What color was associated with energy and strength?

What does yellow symbolize in Chinese culture?

What is your country's symbol for peace and unity?


Part 3. Article Reading

When you see colors, some feelings or images may come to mind. You may think of nature, danger, good luck, or bad luck. For cultures around the world, colors are symbols. For the Chinese, some colors have special meanings. It's well known that they think of red as good luck, but what about the other colors?

The Chinese believed that black was the color of the heavens because they noticed that the northern sky was often strangely black. This old belief became a saying: “heaven and earth of mysterious black.”

Red was the color of good fortune and joy. Therefore, it was seen everywhere during celebrations such as weddings, birthdays, and the New Year. People gave money as gifts in red envelopes as well. Red is the national color of China. While traveling to China, you would see red everywhere. The lanterns that are on the buildings are red. People are wearing red. Festivals have all kinds of decorations which are red. The flag of China is red.

Green was the color of spring, and it represented energy and strength. White was a symbol of brightness and purity. It also symbolized death, so people wore white when loved ones died. Yellow was considered to be the most beautiful color. As it was a symbol of the earth's rulers, the Chinese king wore Yellow and lived under yellow roofs.

Some of these beliefs remain to this day, and the Chinese continue to follow them.

Each culture has its traditions and customs. And also, a different meaning for the colors that exist in the world. Each of us has a favorite color whose choice is closely related to the meaning our cultures give to them. Contrary to what many would believe, black is the color that stands for water and it represents authority and knowledge, but it can also have an unlucky meaning. Purple is the color of love, strength, and spiritual awareness and white is the color of death, an unlucky color that represents metal.


by Charlie Svensson, a guest post from

Build and Grow Subject Link 4, lesson 2

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