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Advice if you're upset by the news

If you are upset by the news, it's important to know that you are not the only one and it's OK to have those feelings. 

Part 1. Vocabulary

upset                    /ˌəpˈset/ v

                                make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried

                                I am upset because I lost my favorite bag.


awful                     /ˈôfəl/ adj

                                very bad or unpleasant, extremely shocking; horrific

                                The place that I stayed in smelled so awful.


nightmares         /ˈnītˌmer/ n (plural form)

                                a frightening or unpleasant dream, a terrifying or very unpleasant experience

                                I had nightmares after watching the horror movie.


confront              /kənˈfrənt/ v

                                face up to and deal with (a problem or difficult situation)

                                Usually, the best thing you can do in an embarrassing situation is to confront it head-on.


rare                        /rer/ adj

                                (of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often

                                Having violet-colored eyes is a very rare physical trait.



 Part 2. Comprehension Questions

When you hear or read bad news, how do you feel?

Is it normal to feel bad, or sad about the things that are happening in the world? Why?

What are the things you can do if you are upset by the news?

How do you handle upsetting news when you hear them?

Why is sharing can help you feel better?



Part 3. Article Reading

If you are upset by the news, it's important to know that you are not the only one and it's OK to have those feelings. You can rely on Newsround to tell you the important facts about a story - but some things you hear might be scary or make you feel worried. This section gives you some tips about what to do if you are feeling sad about what you've seen, heard, or read.

What to do if you're upset by the news

Sometimes things that happen in the world can make us sad, anxious, or confused. It's important to remember that upsetting stories are in the news because they are rare - they don't happen very often. But what can we do when the news makes us feel this way?

Share your worries

If the news has upset you, talk to an adult you trust about it. It's important to share what is troubling you.

It's normal to feel upset

It's important to remember that being sad, worried, or angry about awful things that happen in the world around you is okay and perfectly normal. You won't be the only one who feels that way. Adults get sad and confused too, so there is nothing wrong with feeling like this.

Do things that make you happy

Doing things that make you happy can help you to feel better. Watch your favorite film, take your dog for a walk or read some of your favorite books. Try to balance the news you read. If you read a sad story, then try and read a happy one before you go to bed If being worried is making it more difficult to sleep or if you are having nightmares, it's important to speak to an adult about this too.

Here are some things you can do if you are having worried thoughts when you go to bed:

·         Remember things that make you happy and think about these as you're going to bed, so your head is full of positive thoughts

·         Surround yourself with nice things by your bed - perhaps a happy photo that makes you smile - so this is the last thing you see before you sleep

·         Read a book you love that will help to settle your thoughts

·         If you have bad dreams, talk about them or even try drawing them. This will help you to confront your fear

·         Keep things with you that make you feel secure - even if it is your old teddy bear that you keep hidden from your mates!

Remember, it's rare

Don't forget - terrible things are on the news because they are rare and do not happen very often.

Although people are spending a lot of time talking about it, it is still very unlikely that events like this will affect you or your family.

The most important thing is that if you are feeling upset, don't keep what's troubling you about the news to yourself. Talk to an adult about the issue in the news that is worrying you. That can help you to understand what is upsetting you, and help those feelings of sadness, anger, or confusion to go away.

Source: [24 Feb 2022 Last updated at 23:22]

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