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Showing posts from April, 2022

Music Is Just as Powerful at Improving Mental Health as Exercise, Review Suggests

  New research suggests the positive impact on mental health from singing, playing, or listening to music is around the same impact experienced with exercise or weight loss. Part 1. Vocabulary preventative                /prəˈven(t)ədiv/ adj.  designed to keep something undesirable such as illness, harm, or accidents from occurring, preventive.  ex. Preventative measures are required for all schools that will have face-to-face classes.   interventions             /ˌin(t)ərˈven(t)SH(ə)n/ n. (plural form)                                    the action or process of intervening, extending, or occurring between events                                     ex. We need teachers’ interventions in all online classes.                                                 albeit                           /ôlˈbēit,alˈbēit/ conj.                                     although, however;                                      ex. He was making progress in his studies, albeit rather slowly.   substantial        

5 Movement Meditation Practices That’ll Work Your Body and Clear Your Mind

  While most of us are already clued to how beneficial meditation can be, many are still resistant to the practice. The thought of sitting still for a period of time feels daunting, unexciting, and quite frankly, like a waste of time. Vocabulary meditate                   /ˈmedəˌtāt/ v. think deeply or carefully about (something).                                           e x. She meditates before making a big decision. anchor                     /ˈaNGkər/ n. a person or thing that provides stability.                                            ex. My mother is my anchor. extraneous              /ikˈstrānēəs/ adj. irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.                                           ex.  Allow extraneous thoughts to melt away with each step. mantra                    /ˈmantrə/ n. a statement or slogan repeated frequently.                                          ex. A personal mantra is a kind of motivation. slouch                    /slouCH/ n. stand, move

Advice if you're upset by the news

If you are  upset  by the news, it's important to know that you are not the only one and it's OK to have those feelings.  Part 1. Vocabulary upset                    /ˌəpˈset/ v                                 make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried                                 I am upset because I lost my favorite bag.   awful                     /ˈôfəl/ adj                                 very bad or unpleasant, extremely shocking; horrific                                 The place that I stayed in smelled so awful.   nightmares         /ˈnītˌmer/ n (plural form)                                 a frightening or unpleasant dream, a terrifying or very unpleasant experience                                 I had nightmares after watching the horror movie.   confront              /kənˈfrənt/ v                                 face up to and deal with (a problem or difficult situation)                                 Usually, the best thing