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E-Cigarettes Are a Public Health Threat to Young People, Surgeon General Warns

             One in six high school students admitted to using an e-cigarette within the previous month in 2015. The U.S. has taken action in reaction to young people's growing use. In a report published on Thursday, the Surgeon General said that youth e-cigarette usage poses a risk to the public's health. It is the first Surgeon General report on the dangers of e-cigarettes for children. Vocabulary Danger                      /ˈdānjər/                                  The possibility of suffering harm or injury.                                 ex ."H is life was in  danger " E-cigarette              / ˈe-siɡəˌret,e-siɡəˈret/                                                                      A battery-operated device that emits a vaporized solution to inhale .                                       ex. “ He discovered the e-cigarette about a year ago and hasn't smoked the cigarette since.”                                 Threat                       / THret/ 

Brain trauma is not the same in women and men

  Women who suffered brain injuries or "poly-traumas" which included other injuries, generally experienced higher rates of substance abuse, cognitive issues, depression, and homelessness, among other things, when compared with men with similar  injuries . Vocabulary trauma                           /ˈtroumə,ˈtrômə/ n.                                     emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury                                     ex.: The bike accident gave me  trauma and fear of riding bikes.   injuries                        in·ju·ry n. ( plural form )  the fact of being injured, harmed, or damaged                                     ex.:I can’t lift heavy objects because of my back and arm injuries .   phenomenon               /fəˈnäməˌnän,fəˈnäməˌnən/ n. a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question ex.: An earthquake is a natural phenomenon that can be explained.   conduct       

How much plastic do you use in a week?

  Huge amounts of energy and  fossil  fuels  are needed to make new plastic, and it sticks around in our environment for a long time. It is also only possible to recycle plastic two or three times before it becomes too  degraded .  Vocabulary   fossil fuels               /ˈfäsəl ˈˌfyo͞o(ə)l/ n. ( plural form ) a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms          ex.: The main fossil fuels are coal, crude oil, natural gas, and peat.             degraded                 /diˈɡrādid/ adj.                                 reduced in quality; inferior                                ex.: The quality of the soil is  degraded because of water pollution.   incinerators             /inˈsinəˌrādər/ n. ( plural form ) an apparatus for burning waste material, especially industrial waste, at  high temperatures until it is reduced to ash ex.: The company heeds additional incinerators to burn all the wastes.   radical                     /ˈra

Love Eating Cheese? You Shouldn’t Eat Too Much of It!

  According to Medical News Today, maltodextrin is safe to consume but  excessive  consumption can increase the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol.   Part 1. Vocabulary wedges        /wej/ n ( plural form) - a piece of wood, metal, or some other material having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge.   Ex. I love eating potato wedges with cream.   Menu         /ˈmenyo͞o/ n                    - a list of dishes available in a restaurant.                      Ex. Kindly give us the menu so that we can choose our food.   prompted   /präm(p)t/ v ( past tense )                    - cause (someone) to take a course of action.    Ex. The heavy rain prompted people to move to higher places to avoid flooding.   excessive   /ikˈsesiv/ adj.                   - more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.   Ex. He was drinking excessive amounts of brandy during the party.   obesity       /ōˈbēsədē/ n                   - the condition of being grossly fat or overweight.   Ex. The

The Surprising Effect of Eating Chocolate, New Study Suggests. Your heart will thank you.

  Researchers find that  supplementing  people's diets with cocoa  extract  is linked with a lower risk of dying from heart disease. This is good news for chocolate lovers. So for more details, read on. Part 1. Vocabulary supplementing   /ˈsəpləˌment,ˈsəpləmənt/  v. gerund or present participle                            add an extra element or amount to;                              ex. Bread will be supplementing our need for rice or                          carbohydrates.   extract                /ikˈstrakt/ n a preparation containing the active ingredient of a substance in concentrated form;   ex. To make the cake delicious, add vanilla extract.   reduce                /rəˈd(y)o͞os/ v                                make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size;                              ex. We have to reduce the number of people so that the lace will not be crowded.   cognitive             /ˈkäɡnədiv/ adj. relating to cognition, the mental action or process of acquiring kn