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Showing posts from August, 2021

How fermented foods may alter your microbiome and improve your health

Foods like yoghurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha increased the diversity of gut microbes and led to lower levels of inflammation. Part 1. Vocabulary fermentation     /ˌfɝː.menˈteɪ.ʃən/ n. -  process of chemical change in food or drink because of the action of yeast or bacteria §      Fermentation takes about 48 hours. diversity /dɪˈvɝː.sə.t̬i/ n. - the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something §   The wonderful diversity of our region's wildlife is now coming under threat. inhabit /ɪnˈhæb.ɪt/ v. - to live in a place §   Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. deter  /dɪˈtɝː/ v. - to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something §   These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack. Fiber  /ˈfaɪ.bɚ/

Uncertain future makes Mini Stop HQ reconsider Korean business

  Part 1. Vocabulary despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ prep. - without taking any notice of or being influenced by: §   Despite repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it.   refute /rɪˈfjuːt/ v. - to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc. is wrong or false: §   People use the fact that there was a cold winter to refute climate change.   stake /steɪk/ n. - a share or financial involvement in something such as a business: §   He has no financial stake in the company.   standpoint /ˈstænd.pɔɪnt/ n. - a set of beliefs and ideas from which opinions and decisions are formed: §   From a fundraising standpoint, he’s been very successful.   anonymity /ˌæn.ɒnˈɪm.ə.ti/ n. - the situation in which someone's name is not given or known: §   Anonymity seems to bring out the worst in humans.

Southeast Asia face sea-level rise risks than previously thought: Satellite imagery study

 Part 1. Vocabulary swath / ˈswäth/ n. - a row of cut grain or grass left by a scythe or mowing machine §   An aerial view of the countryside shows wide swathes of green. subsidence /səbˈsīdns/ n. the gradual caving in or sinking of an area of land. §   "the race was abandoned because of subsidence of the track" let down / ˈlet-ˌdau̇n/ n. - disappointment §   his latest novel is a letdown vegetation /ve-jə-ˈtā-shən/ n. - plant life or total plant cover (as of an area) §   the local vegetation is flourishing as a result of the recent rains spatial /spā-shəl/ adj. - of, relating to, or involved in the perception of relationships (as of objects) in space §   Most stumble over the simplest spatial tasks,…   Part 2. Article Reading BANGKOK: A huge  swath of land is closer to sea level across Sou

Poverty: drives high blood pressure and obesity

 Part 1. Vocabulary suffer /ˈsʌfɚ/ v. - to experience pain, illness, or injury He died instantly and did not suffer.   diagnose /ˈdajəgˌnoʊs/ v. - to recognize (a disease, illness, etc.) by examining someone The doctor was unable to diagnose the skin condition.   caseload /ˈkeɪsˌloʊd/ n. - the number or a number of cases handled by a court, social worker, etc. We have a heavy/light caseload today.   affluence /ˈæfluwəns/ n. - having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things They rose from poverty to affluence.   Modifiable   /ˈmä-​də-​ˌfī-​ə-​bəl/ adj. - you can take measures to change them: alter / change “There are "modifiable risk factors" linked to lifestyle”     Part 2. Article Reading GENEVA: Nearly 1.3 billion people globally suffer from hypertension, a silent kill

Affordable way to fill a blank wall

COVID tourism woes in Paris

  Only 2.6 million tourists visited Paris last year, down from 10 million in 2019. Part 1. Vocabulary   desertion                     /dəˈzərSH(ə)n/ n.                                         - the action of deserting a person, cause, or organization:              "I resented what I saw as my parents' desertion" afar                                /ˈäˌfär/ n.                               - a poetic and old-fashioned way to say "far away" or "distant."                                     Their parents waved to them from afar wreck                      /rek/ v.                               -destroy or severely damage                                    "he was drowned when his ship was wrecked" aperitif                   / ə-ˌper-ə-ˈtēf / n.                               - an alcoholic drink taken before a meal as an appetizer             “They served us champagne as an aperitif.” hiatus                      /hī-ˈ

Rich people could help save the planet from climate change

Business News , Environment From a post by Stephanie Bailey, CNN   Part 1. Vocabulary lavish /ˈlaviSH/ adj. - sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious. "a lavish banquet"   stuff /stəf/ n. - the basic constituents or characteristics of something or someone. "Healey was made of sterner stuff"   divestment dīˈvestmənt/ n. - the action or process of selling off subsidiary business interests or investments. "the importance of divestment"   flexibility /ˌfleksəˈbilədē/ n. - willingness to change or compromise. "the government has shown flexibility in applying its policy"   instigate /ˈinstəˌɡāt/ v. - incite someone to do something, especially something bad. - bring about or initiate (an action or event). "they instigated a reign of terror"   emis

Typhoon Omais leaves behind flooded homes, damaged roads, railways in S. Korea

Environment By Yonhap  Part. 1 Vocabulary cyclone / ˈsīˌklōn/ n. - a system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure, with a counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression. dissipate / ˈdisəˌpāt/ v. - to break up and scatter or vanish. The clouds  dissipated  and the sun came out flash / flaSH/ v. - move or pass very quickly. "a look of terror flashed across Kirov's face"   hectopascals The international unit for measuring atmospheric or barometric pressure.   pile / paɪl/ n. - an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other   “ a pile of papers”     Part 2. Article reading Typhoon Omais weakened into an extratropical cyclone Tuesday morning, after making landfall around midnight Monday, flooding roads and houses, and forcing more th

Self-Care Is Mainstream and A Lifestyle Choice

Wellness Part 1. Vocabulary indulgent /inˈdəljənt/ adj. - willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration:  "indulgent parents" stuck /ˈstʌk/ adj. -  in a place or situation that is difficult or impossible to get out of. “We were stuck there for three days because of bad weather.” meditative /ˈmɛdəˌteɪtɪv/adj. - involving or allowing deep thought or meditation “Meditative music” relentless /rɪˈlɛntləs/ adj. - continuing without becoming weaker, less severe, etc. “Her relentless optimism held the team together.” replenish /rɪˈplɛnɪʃ/ v. - to fill or build-up (something) again “plants that replenish soil nutrients”   Part 2. Article reading In the pre-COVID-19 era, self-care seemed an  indulgent  practice and something that was left to people with time and money to spare. But with lockdowns and social distancing measures, and everyone  stuck  at home, the idea has grown exponentially. On Google, searches for “self-care” had a 250 percent increase since March 2

Tesla Korea sales up 300 percent in 2020

Business   Part 1. Vocabulary fare /fer/ v. - perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period of time.   whop /(h)wäp/ v - to hit or defeat:   aggregate /ˈaɡriɡət/ n. - a whole formed by combining several (typically disparate) elements.   "the council was an aggregate of three regional assemblies"   audit /ˈôdət/ n. - an official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts, typically by an independent body.   "audits can't be expected to detect every fraud"   gain /ɡān/ v. - obtain or secure (something desired, favorable, or profitable).   "the process has gained the confidence of the industry"       Part 2. Article Reading   Foreign companies doing business in South Korea fare d well amid the pandemic la