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Showing posts from December, 2021

The First Chinese Woman to Win the Nobel Prize in Medicine

  Before Western medicine was introduced in China, the Chinese already had a medical therapy based on a philosophy of balance with nature. But this article is about the first Chinese woman with Nobel Prize in Medicine. Vocabulary glass ceiling [ˈɡlas ˈsēliNG] n. -an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities. "...the first female to break through the glass ceiling in Engineering" pioneering [ˌpīəˈniriNG] adj. - involving new ideas or methods  Her discovery of the vaccine component is pioneering.   compendium [kəmˈpendēəm] n. - a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge: abstract. The “Compendium of Materia Medica” has been hailed by UNESCO as “the most complete and comprehensive medical book ever written in the history of traditional Chinese medicine.” benchmark [ˈben(t)SHmärk] n. - a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed. The work remains a b

Poor Sleep Affects Your Health

Sleep – both its quantity and its quality – is one of the most frequently discussed health topics. .. Vocabulary exhausted /iɡˈzôstəd/ adj.          - extremely tired; She was exhausted but sleep seemed unlikely. consistently /kənˈsistəntlē/ adv.                                         - very few exceptions; typically; usually: The president has consistently denied the rumors. occur /əˈkər/ v.                                        - to happen, to exist, or be found in a place;                                         Climate change is occurring. essentially /əˈsen(t)SHəlē/ adv.                                        - to indicate that what you are saying is mainly true;                                         Essentially, the West has only two options. impede           /imˈpēd/ v.          - to bar or hinder the progress of; obstruct or delay.                                                          The situation impedes the flo

Holidays Traveling Tips

The holidays encourage more people to travel especially now that the season is just days away. We have been impacted by the Covid situation so traveling to other parts of the world would be restricted. There are rules and regulations to help ease travelers' worries. Read on for more tips on traveling.  Vocabulary influx                /ˈinˌfləks/ n.                         -  an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things There is a massive influx of tourists after the pandemic. eliminate      /əˈliməˌnāt/ v.                         -  completely remove or get rid of (something)                                              To eliminate unwanted noise, record in a very quiet place. hurdles           /ˈhərdl/ n. (plural)                         -  an obstacle or difficulty There are many hurdles to overcome to be able to graduate from a university. inclement      /inˈklemənt/ adj.                         - ( of the weather)

Festivals, across Korea

  There are various sites that tourists can see across Korea. A few of which are listed here. Vocabulary feature /ˈfēCHər/ n. - a distinctive attribute or aspect of something: " features like dual air bags" flock /fläk/ v. - congregate or mass in a flock or large group: "...students flocked to spring break sites" bare-hand / ˈber-ˈhan-də d / v. - without tools or weapons “ ... fight an animal  bare-handed” attraction /əˈtrakSH(ə)n/ n. - something that attracts or is intended to attract people by appealing to their desires and tastes. “ ... coming attractions” augmented /ˌôɡˈmentəd/ adj, -

Google Identifies the Trends That Will Shape the Future of Travel

  Photo: Mat Reding from Pexels Vocabulary destined    / ˈdestind / adj. - developing as though according to a plan. S he could see that he was destined for great things. inclusive      / inˈklo͞osiv / adj             - including all the services, facilities, or items normally expected or  required. The food and drinks are included during the trip for two days. commissioned / kəˈmiSHənd / v (past tense) - order or authorize (a person or organization) to do or produce  something. They commissioned an architect to manage the building project. ethnic              / ˈeTHnik / adj - relating to national and cultural origins. The guests are of different ethnic origins. citing              / sīt / v (verb participle) - mentioned as an example. Medics have been cited as a key example of a modern breed of technical experts. Comprehension Questions What are the trends to play a role in travel recovery in 2022? What is an example of a “li